Aber frau ist ja nicht untätig und sucht sich im Inland Unternehmen, die mit ihren ethischen Grundsätzen in der sozialen (?) Marktwirtschaft überleben. Anscheindend ohne Rechtsreferendare. Auch dort ne Absage. Ich seh schon: am Ende ruft vermutlich die BASF...soviel zu sozialer Verantwortung und Auslandsaufenthalt...
In diesem Sinne,

It's unbelievable: once in my time I really want to. Working that is. This is why I mailed some lawyers in beautiful Vancouver, if they take trainee lawyers - what they are doing according to the German consulate. Well, paper doesn't blush. One's on vacation the other has given no reason. I'm still waiting for one more answer. But my hope of three awesome months on the Canadian Pacific coast has vanished.
But I'm not idle and searching for a company here at home, that shares my ethical principles. They don'n need trainee lawyers. In the end I'm wokring for BASF... so much for social responsibility and working abroad...
So long,

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